Business Owners & Marketing Managers - we deliver well crafted, well managed digital marketing solutions for your business. - Sans Frontiere Marketing Communications

Business Owners & Marketing Managers – we deliver well crafted, well managed digital marketing solutions for your business.

Digital Marketing | Social Media | Website |

Business Owners & Marketing Managers looking for well crafted, well managed digital marketing solutions are working with us to develop the perfect digital strategy for their businesses. Our website builder packages have proved hugely popular and are designed with all types of businesses in mind. They come with full backend CMS so you are in control from the start. We design paid social campaigns that match your goals, manage your social media assets and create SEO content for your website and social. We have worked with hundreds of businesses of all kinds from opticians to yacht clubs, race courses to global heating and ventilating manufacturers!

From the start we could see that, for almost any company of any size, whilst a strategy is an end-to-end plan, the elements that comprise it can be viewed as modular. Indeed, many companies are not looking for the end-to-end strategy – as they already have some things in place. They are looking for guidance and particular modules of digital activity. To this end, we spent some time developing these digital strategy modules and creating simple, clear pricing structures around them. We have created a set of digital packages that can be adopted stand-alone or integrated into a wider strategy – so that businesses can build solutions that perfectly suits their needs.

Our approach:

In short, we want businesses that work with us, to have the freedom to bring their own contributions into a strategy, whatever they may be, to be able to pick and choose from a transparently priced set of digital packages and to have the option to connect with a wider range of bespoke marketing services as they require.

It sounds like an ambitious goal, but we realised we had the infrastructure in place to offer this. We just had to organise it.

Our offering:

We now offer these packages with clear, fixed, transparent prices.

Website builder:
A complete website package designed to give a small to medium business everything it needs for a professional website presence, with the analytics, backup, security and support that is integral to being online.

Paid social media advertising:
We work with you to design campaigns that match your goals. We provide easy to understand reports when a campaign finishes.
Custom landing pages optional for each campaign.

Organic social media management:
Your social media asset managed for you (example: Facebook page)
Regular content posting to drive your engagement
Office hours responses to your customers

We will carry out a full SEO audit of your website and provide a report
We will edit your key pages for SEO optimisation
We can create new SEO content for your website and social platforms

To compliment this suite, we developed a range of agency service add-ons in the same fashion. These give optional access to a wider range of Sans Frontiere agency services, from copy-writing to photography, PR, branding and more.The point of this add-on approach is that, for any business working with us, using a set of pre-costed and pre-defined digital packages does not preclude gaining access to a wide range of marketing services and connecting it all together.

Contact us today to find out more: | 01273 487 800


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